Welcome to the Illinois State Thespians Home Page!
The International Thespian Society was established in 1929 by a group of college and high school teachers in Fairmont, West Virginia. They named their organization for Thespis, the Greek who, according to legend, was the first actor. Their guiding principle was a dedication to excellence in theatre arts in secondary schools. In the years since, the Society has grown into an international organization with more than a million members. But its goals have not changed.
The Thespian Society still strives to make schools a place for good theatre and to honor those students who do it well.


THESPYS ARE BACK!!Illinois Thespys (International Thespian Excellence Awards)
2024 - 2025
INSTRUCTIONS: Please use this form to register EACH THESPY ENTRY (ex: submit 1 for a solo performer, and again only one (1) for a group performance, etc.) for the 2024-2025 Illinois Thespian Excellence Awards, or Thespys.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that an adult Troupe Director of the Thespian Troupe be responsible for completing this form. To learn more about Thespys, the categories, the rubrics used, and more, please visit EdTA Thespy Awards.
FOR IN PERSON PRESENTATIONS: All entries must be submitted NO LATER than 11:59 PM on December 6, 2024 for IN PERSON presentations at ITA'S Illinois High School Theatre Festival (January 11 - 13, 2024)
FOR VIDEO PRESENTATIONS: All entries/recordings must be submitted NO LATER than 11:59PM on December 20, 2024.
As a condition of completing and submitting this form, I understand that I will be sent an invoice for $15 for Thespians and $25 for non-Thespians. I also understand that if a non-Thespian student receives a "Superior" rating, they may not be eligible to attend the International Thespian Festival in 2025 until they are inducted as Thespians of the International Thespian Society. For more information, please visit www.schooltheatre.org.